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Sunday, May 29, 2011

It Might not be Free, But How Does a Penny Cell Phone Sound?

While all major carriers offer free cell phones with a new contract agreement, not all phones are free. Recently, many more consumers have been interested in trendy smartphones that offer a lot of featured but cost a little bit more. The popularity of the iPhone on AT&T and Verizon and several other phones like android and BlackBerry smartphones has shown that many people are willing to pay a few hundred bucks for a nice mobile phone.

But that's not why you are here, is it? You are probably looking for the free phones. One problem with the free phones has always been that they were, well, ugly. Or just not as "good" as other phones in many ways. Maybe the battery life wasn't that great or there wasn't a good keyboard for texting or it didn't take video or clear pictures.

It really depends on what you are looking for. Maybe you want the free mobile phone because you just want the cheapest phone plan contract and the lowest cost phone service you can find. That's fine, but if you are looking to still buy a really good phone and not spend a lot, consider spending just a little bit more. Like a penny.

For example Amazon Wireless is offering bestselling smartphones starting at a penny. They have AT&T, Verizon, Sprint, T-Mobile and other major carriers. Prices and available change constantly in the wireless world, but you can go there and see what their current penny phone offers are:

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